The Beginnings


It’s been 7 months since the COVID pandemic went viral (no pun intended), and I’ve finally cracked; I’m starting a blog.

Some of you might be thinking “Great! Another white guy here to mansplain away the issues of ours times!” That, although potentially true, is not my goal here.

Initially, I thought it a good excercise to practice my writing skills. Most of my time online is spent consuming (especially on Twitter), and I think it good to try to produce every once in a while.

Furthermore, in today’s times of misinformation, disinformation, fake news, mainstream-media bias, election hacking, and public distrust in the government, I desired a voice. Some place where I can put my ideas and allow the world to judge them. Too many of us are pawns in the proverbial chess game, I hope to be one of the lucky pawns that gets knighted.

I have a few tennants in mind that I want to stay true to:

  1. All oppinions will be based on data (other than speculations of the future. sorry you need an imagination for this one). If it is not possible to find a comprehensive study or dataset, I will not argue it. If the jury is still out on a topic, I will try to illuminate the oppinions expressed on both sides.

  2. Clarity and conciseness are important. The last thing I want to do is take up too much of my audiences time (assuming anyone ever reads this).

  3. Discussion and discourse are neccessary. I do not believe in the banning of ideas, no matter how terrible. If I am writing an article, it is most likely influenced by the ideas circulating through my information space. This means many people are thinking it. The belief is that getting my ideas out there will benefit society by encouraging (hopefully civil) public discourse.

Well, that’s all I got! Let me know what you think :smile: